Wednesday 14 December 2011

My top 5 Champions in League of Legends

I have a few favored characters in League of Legends but there are a few that stand out from the rest.
Here is my top five:

5. Jax
This is one of the first characters I played with in League of Legends. As most people know, Jax is looked on as somewhat overpowered because of his ability to 1v1 near enough any champions that get in his way.
 JAll the abilities here are all extremely powerful. When you  land in the middle of a team fight, you know there is going to be a lot of dead bodies lying around.
The ultimate passive is extremely damaging and with the increased attack speed on each hit, there is going to be some serious damage dealt out. Throw in his stun and there will be no survivors

If you are looking for an easy champion to play and really want to play an aggressive DPS game then Jax is definitely the way to go.

4. Sona

Personally I think that Sona is very underplayed. She has great healing, she helps you run away from ganks or chase down stragglers and best of all, she deals a lot of damage for a support.
I play this champion mostly to harass and do some serious damage as most people will not be expecting to be beaten by a support character when they try to gank.
Her ultimate is a fantastic stun that affects all enemy players in front of her and causes them to dance while you and your team beat them senseless.

If you are looking for a support character that can dish out the damage as well as help the team to win the game then I strongly recommend Sona.

3. Fiddlesticks

Again this was one of the first champions that I played with but after a few nerfs that hit him quite hard, I stopped playing him for a while. Looking back at him now I really don’t feel that the nerfs were as bad as I thought they were going to be.
I really like the fact that you can jump into jungle with fiddlesticks at a very low level and grab the dragon with ease. This is a very good gold injection for your team and he can carry this task out by himself in no time at all.
Crowstorm is one of the greatest ultimates in the game if you can land it properly. This along with the fear and drain abilities will ensure that anyone inside your crowstorm will be no more.

If you are looking for AP character that is a little bit different then give fiddlesticks a shot.

2. Shen

A ninja that cannot be killed? Of course. Shen is a fantastic character to play. His shield will protect you from ganks and general harassment in lane, keeping you in lane for longer (sometimes you just never need to go back to the shop).
We also have an ability that taunts enemies that works not only to chase a champion down and help a fellow teammate from being killed but also to jump though most walls to avoid ganks and to help cut an enemy off.
The ultimate move is one of my favorites. It shields your target teammate and teleports you to their location. This is great when one of your team members is in trouble and needs instant assistance. This move also works very well with your taunt ability.

If you want to play as the best tank in the game (In my opinion) then do not hesitate to play as Shen.

1.  Morgana

This is my favorite champion of all time.  Morgana is a carry AP that deals immense burst damage and has a few stuns to help her get the job done.
There are many build options but when you learn the ins and outs of this champion, all you need is as much AP and magic penetration as you can.
The best item I have found for her is zhonya's hourglass. This feels like an item that was made for her.
If you start a team fight and dive straight into the middle, pop your ultimate and then use the hourglass. You will be granted invulnerability for a few seconds but your ultimate still stands and all enemies around you will be stunned and damaged for a massive chunk of their health.

If you would like to be the carry of your team or would like to toy with any opponent before completely destroying them and their puny team, then there is no other option than to choose Morgana.

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