Monday 26 December 2011

My Morgana playstyle

My favourite champion in League of Legends at the moment is Morgana and yes, I do play a mean Morgana. In this article I will go over some tips and tricks I use when playing her that will hopefully help you get to grips with her.


Although this is not the hardest character to play, she is still pretty hard to master. The skillshots alone can be quite difficult to land when playing against an experienced player.
The Timing of all of her other moves are just as difficult, but this makes her very fun and challenging to play.


Soul Siphon (Passive) – This passive basically gives you spell vamp. This means that spells that damage enemies give you back a percentage of the damage done in health.
This is very useful when you are laning because it will keep you in lane longer and therefore giving you both a gold and experience advantage over the opponent. I would say that the nerf on this move was a bit disappointing.

Dark Binding (Q) – This is your lovely skillshot that will snare an enemy in place. You will need to learn how people will react when you fire your shot. You always have to be one step ahead of them to be able to predict where to fire your shot.

Tormented Soil (W) – This is an area of effect that deals damage over time to all enemies in the area. This will be your main move in my opinion. You can harass enemies, deal a lot of damage and to farm minions very easily.

Black Shield (E) – This shield is a godsend for you and your team. Not only does this shield you from magic damage, but it also prevents you or your target friendly champion from being affected by crowd control effects. This is great if you are in lane with an enemy with a stun or slow as it will keep them at bay.

Soul Shackles (R) - This is your ultimate move. When you activate this move, all enemies around you are damaged by a large amount. After a few seconds all the enemies that are still within your range will be damaged again and will also be stunned. This is great in both team fights and to finish off a weak opponent.

Gameplay tips.

As most Morgana players will know, you have to use your moves in combination with each other.
The most common combo I use is the (Q)-(W)/(W)-(Q). This combo works both ways as when you land your snare on your opponent and place your AOE around them, you will see how much damage it has dealt and you will also see how your opponent reacts. They will be running for the hills with the amount of harass you can give out.

The team fight combo I use works very well with Zhonya's Hourglass. At the very start of the teamfight you should activate your shield (E) and run into the middle of the enemy champions. When you are within range with all champions you activate your ultimate (R) and then immediately use your Zhonya's Hourglass to gain invulnerability for a few seconds. When you are able to move again, there should be a lot of stunned champions around you and chances are a lot of dead ones. When this is accomplished you should use the first combo until the rest of the team is killed.

I usually find that rebinding your “1” key to one of your mouse buttons will help you remember to use your Zhonya's Hourglass when you need it most instead of fumbling around trying to find the right key.


I usually play with either Ability Power runes or Magic Penetration runes with some health thrown in for some early survivability.
If I am honest I do not think that there is a right or wrong rune set-up as most of the benefits of runes are only for early game and is down to the individual playing style.


I have a few different item builds I use with Morgana depending on how the match is progressing. If things are going well and I am getting my usual kills I will go for my Magic Penetration Boots > Rabadon's Deathcap > Zhonya's Hourglass > Rylai's Crystal Scepter

If the match is not going very well then I will go straight for the Zhonya's Hourglass for the armour and invulnerability.

Summoner Spells

I choose Flash and Ignite when playing on 5v5 and 3v3 matches. Flash is useful for escaping ganks when your shield is on cooldown, but it is also useful for flashing over minion waves to finish off an injured opponent.
Ignite is very beneficial as it deals true damage over time to an enemy. This works very well with Tormented Soil as you can watch your opponent die even quicker in front of you.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and I hope that it has shown you some new tactics when playing her. If you have any questions or would like me to add something else then please comment and let me know.


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